Conference Schedule

Explore session abstracts for this year’s online National Workshop and Conference. You can also download an abridged version of the schedule (.pdf) for dates and times at a glance.

The conference schedule is subject to modification.
Sessions are listed in the language in which they will be presented.

Programme du congrès

Découvrez les résumés des sessions de l'Atelier et congrès national en ligne de cette année. Vous pouvez aussi télécharger une version abrégée du programme (.pdf) pour avoir un aperçu des dates et des heures.

Le programme du congrès est sujet à modification.
Les sessions sont énumérées dans la langue dans laquelle elles seront présentées.

All times appear in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

Monday, September 23, 2024 | Lundi, le 23 septembre

10:30–4:30 Optional Workshop | Atelier facultatif

Inspire through PIE and TALK with InterpActive

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 | Mardi, le 24 septembre

10:00–11:15 Welcome from Interpretation Canada and Keynote Speaker

Nature’s Superpowers with Barbara McKean


11:15–11:30 Wellness Break | Pause bien-être


11:30–12:15 Welcome from Presenting Partner Interpretive Guides Association and Sustaining Wellness Plenary


12:15–1:00 Lunch Break | Pause déjeuner


1:00–1:45 Concurrent Sessions 1 | Sessions simultanées 1

Whose Line Is It Anyway? Interpreting Reconciliation with Aidan Gowland

Interpreters make the intangible tangible and the tangible intangible. With reconciliation being simultaneously everywhere and nowhere, how are interpreters uniquely positioned to carry the torch for futures?

Forest Bathing: Wellbeing for Interpreters with Ronna Schneberger

Learn how to support your own health and well-being through forest bathing.  Discover the science and the practice of forest therapy and why it is so effective at managing stress and promoting wellness.


1:45–2:00 Forest Bathing for All with Ronna Schneberger


2:00–2:15 Wellness Break | Pause bien-être


2:15–3:15 Concurrent Sessions 2 | Sessions simultanées 2

La médiation culturelle et l'interprétation au service du bien-être de la communauté avec Louise Brazeau, Laure Barrachina, Amber Gibson, Sarah Bélanger-Martel

3 institutions, 3 approches pour offrir aux membres de leurs communautés des opportunités engageantes de connexion, soit avec l’art contemporain, avec la nature ou avec la ville.

Good Grief: Parks as Spaces for Healing with Laura Gosse, Emma Dunlop, Amy Leitch, Sonya Jakubec

Grief and loss are experienced by everyone. Alberta Parks in conjunction with community partners to develop nature based walks to connect people who are navigating grief and loss.


3:15–3:30 Wellness Break | Pause bien-être


3:30–4:15 Concurrent Sessions 3 | Sessions simultanées 3

Guilt, Shame, and the Interpreter's Wellbeing with Sierra McKinney

Canada’s history is upsetting however it still needs to be told. This presentation will examine how we can productively address shame and guilt to promote self-reflection, truthful interpretation, and wellbeing.

Seniors and nature-based programs. Fostering relationships through creative programming with Rose Maunder

Engagement and inclusion. Offering best practices for successful seniors programing.


4:15–4:30 Day-end Plenary Discussion and Wrap-up


Wednesday, September 25, 2024 | Mercredi, le 25 septembre

10:00–11:15 Welcome and Plenary


11:15–11:30 Wellness Break | Pause bien-être


11:30–12:30 Concurrent Sessions 4 | Sessions simultanées 4

Mothers and Daughters Healing in Nature with Alison Cole, Izdhar Gaib

Each year Alberta Parks partners with the Edmonton Catholic Social Services Immigration & Settlement team to bring Immigrant mothers and their daughters to a once in a lifetime campout to bond with each other, meet new friends, heal trauma, and experience nature in a safe and facilitated camp-out - a truly Canadian activity.  Hear about the program and learn how you can make a difference in your park.

Sacred Grounds, Shared Wellness: Stories from Head-Smashed-in-Buffalo Jump with Aaron Domes, Conrad Little Leaf, Stan Knowlton, Quinton Crow Shoe, Stan Knowlton

Uncover the profound harmony between nature and humanity at Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump. Join us as we explore wellness, culture, and connection in this transformative panel discussion.


12:30–1:15 Lunch break | Pause déjeuner


1:15–2:00 Concurrent Sessions 5 | Sessions simultanées 5

Visitor Studies: Empower Yourself Through Evaluation with Tara Miller

Learn how visitor studies help you connect with your audiences so you can lower barriers to access and create more meaningful interpretive experiences.

Working with Grief in Interpretation: J35 Tahlequah's Loss with Athena George

Can grief motivate us? Inspire our audiences? Explore these questions as you learn how Fort Rodd Hill created an installation to commemorate one endangered killer whale’s “tour of grief”.


2:00–2:15 Wellness break | Pause bien-être


2:15–3:00 Concurrent Sessions 6 | Sessions simultanées 6

Wild Wellness for Vulnerable Youth with Lisa Ferris, Jessica Wheatley

Depression and anxiety are impacting today’s youths.  Learn about Youth Wellness Walks Metro Vancouver Regional Parks has been offering in partnership with local health authorities and school districts. 

Artful Moments: Person-Centered Museum Experiences with Laurie Kilgour-Walsh

Learn how the Art Gallery of Hamilton has applied a participant-focused methodology to museum programs that support strengths, abilities and wellbeing that reaches far beyond art gallery activities.


3:00–3:15 Wellness break | Pause bien-être


3:15–4:00 Awards of Excellence Celebration | Célébration des prix d’excellence


4:00–4:30 Day-end Plenary Discussion and Wrap-up


Thursday, September 26, 2024 | Jeudi, le 26 septembre


10:00–10:30 Welcome and Wellness Activity


10:30–11:15 Discover and Discuss (choose from 3 topics)

Purposeful Travel with Tracey Gage

Positive Outdoor Explorations with Alex Graham-Heggie

When You're Not an Interpreter with Kelsy Edgerton


11:15–11:30 Wellness break | Pause bien-être


11:30–12:15 Concurrent Sessions 7 | Sessions simultanées 7

Viewing Nature Through An Indigenous Lens with Leslie McGarry

We are fortunate to be living in a time where people are more inclined to learn from Indigenous Peoples, versus about Indigenous Peoples.

The CRD recognized the necessity to include Indigenous content within existing nature programs. The value of developing new approaches specific to Indigenous cultural practices and protocols was also identified. Over the past four years the Cultural Programmer has introduced and implemented new methodologies designed to encourage respectful exploration on beaches and in forests. By encouraging audiences to explore nature through an Indigenous lens, we offer an opportunity to learn about the interconnectedness of Indigenous Peoples to the lands, waters, and all life within respective ecosystems. Since time immemorial, cultural protocols and practices have guided Indigenous people to ensure sustainability. i.e.: never take more than what is need; awareness of and respect for diverse habitats; and appreciation for gifts provided by nature. Through fostering a sense of gratitude for the beauty and diversity of each ecological system we provide an opportunity for audiences to contemplate their potential role as caretakers and protectors.

Pursuing Meaning: Sustainability & Wellness with Pursuit (Banff Jasper Collection) with Mirit Poznansky, Mireya Rubio, Vanessa Wainwright

Learn about what Pursuit – Banff Jasper Collection does to inspire their guides, team members and guests with new sustainability programs, leadership development, mental health supports and partnerships.


12:15–1:00 Lunch break | Pause déjeuner


1:00–2:00 Concurrent Sessions 8 | Sessions simultanées 8

Digital Interpretation - Where do we go next? with Rob Malo, Dee King

Rob Malo (AKA TiBert) has been working with Dee King from Zenfri inc. on Augmented Reality (Histoire cachée In Plain Sight), Artificial Intelligence (Artifacta) and Virtual Reality (Fluent XR) driven interpretation projects, this innovative technological approach to interpretation has the potential of shaping the future of how we define and showcase our learning spaces. Discover how these projects have come to fruition from idea to concept, to the eventual visitor experience.

Everyone Belongs in Nature with Lauren Sherwood

Join BC CRD Regional Parks, Power to Be, and Parks Canada to discuss creating a universal approach to interpretive programs through partnerships and providing access to nature for everyone.


2:00–2:15 Wellness break | Pause bien-être


2:15–3:00 To be confirmed | À confirmer


3:00–3:15 Wellness break | Pause bien-être


3:15–4:00 Final Plenary: Thoughts on Sustaining Wellness


Tuesday, October 1, 2024 | Mardi, le 1 octobre

10:30–7:30 Optional Workshop | Atelier facultatif

Apprentice Interpreter Certification Program with Interpretive Guides Association


Wednesday, October 2, 2024 | Mercredi, le 2 octobre

10:30–4:30 Optional Workshop | Atelier facultatif

Foundations of Visitor Studies with TM Visitor Studies

Interpretation Canada c/o Kerry Wood Nature Centre 6300 45th Ave Red Deer, AB, Canada  T4N 3M4

Interprétation Canada  a/s du Kerry Wood Nature Centre, 6300 45e Avenue, Red Deer, Alberta T4N 3M4

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