Interpretation Training

Interpretation Canada specializes in ongoing professional development through conferences and events, member resources, and the Awards of Excellence program.   

If you are looking for introductory training, a certification program, or a trainer to work with your staff, please see the suggestions below. To be listed:

  • Certification programs must require ongoing professional development to maintain certification.
  • Training must be offered by a Canadian educational institution, interpretive organization, or private consultant.
  • Private consultants must be Interpretation Canada members.

All listings are posted in the language of submission. Interpretation Canada does not formally evaluate these programs, lists them free of charge, and reserves the right to remove listings based on members’ feedback. 

Formation en interprétation

Interprétation Canada se spécialise dans la formation professionnelle continue par l’entremise de congrès et autres activités, de ressources offertes aux membres et d’un Programme de prix d’excellence.  

Si vous cherchez des formations de type introduction, un programme d’agrément ou un formateur ou une formatrice qui travaillera avec votre personnel, veuillez consulter les suggestions présentées ci-dessous. Pour faire partie de la liste,

  • les programmes d’agrément doivent comporter une exigence de formation professionnelle continue;
  • les formations doivent être offertes par un établissement d’enseignement canadien, une organisation canadienne qui œuvre en interprétation ou un consultant ou une consultante canadien œuvrant dans le privé; 
  • les consultants ou consultantes œuvrant dans le privé doivent être membres d’Interprétation Canada.

Toutes les inscriptions sont affichées dans la langue où elles ont été soumises. Interprétation Canada ne soumet pas ces programmes à une évaluation formelle. De plus, Interprétation Canada les affiche gratuitement et se réserve le droit de les retirer en fonction des commentaires de ses membres. 

A woman and girl facing each other, wearing “red coat” uniforms with tall black “shako” hats. The girl touches the rim of the woman’s hat to straighten it. A painted pioneer-era waterfront scene is in the background.

“Fortress Halifax” exhibition, Halifax Citadel (Parks Canada). Photo: Parks Canada

Exposition « Forteresse d’Halifax », Citadelle d’Halifax (Parcs Canada) Photo : Parcs Canada

Interpretive Organizations:

The Interpretive Guides Association (IGA) offers a series of training courses and exams designed to certify individuals as interpretive hiking, walking, snowshoeing, paddling, and tour guides. The certification programs they offer meet guiding industry standards and are recognized and required for all guides working in the Mountain West of Canada. To ensure all guests are safe and well taken care of in all 4 seasons here in Canada, the IGA offers group management guide training programs as well.  The Interpretive Guides Association is based in Canmore, Alberta, offering courses throughout the Canadian Rockies as well as other regions of Canada and the Netherlands.

L'Association québécoise des interprètes du patrimoine (AQIP) s'est donnée pour mission de faire connaître le métier d'interprète du patrimoine au Québec. Les formations offertes par l'AQIP sont animées par des formateurs compétents et passionnés, issus de son réseau. Ses formations peuvent être organisées pour une institution ou un regroupement de plusieurs organismes. Les dates et lieux sont définis avec ses formateurs, en fonction de vos besoins.

Interpretive Consultants:

Don Enright offers interpretive skills training ranging from half-day sessions to multi-day programs. Subjects include experiential program development, facilitated dialogue techniques, and interpretive theatre programming. Don also facilitates distance learning in interpretive skills through online learning management systems, webinars, and teleconferences.

Cal Martin offers customized training packages and presentations through his interpretive consulting company, Frog in the Pocket. Cal is located near Ottawa, ON, and facilitates training throughout Canada‎ and beyond.

Jacquie Gilson, Doctor of Social Sciences, offers customized training in interpretive techniques that are visitor-oriented and inspiration-based, via face to face workshops or online webinars. Her specialties are participatory and dialogic interpretation, and fostering a Growth Mindset in staff. 

Sylvie Binette offers training in interpretive skills, facilitated dialogue and program development with a participatory approach. Sylvie can facilitate training of customized duration, in French or English, in person or on-line and at conferences. She is a Certified Interpretive Trainer and Interpretive Planner with the National Association for Interpretation.

Tom Long offers short, engaging on-line training sessions in research, program evaluation, and other subjects relevant to heritage interpretation. These are offered through his website, North Wind Heritage Consulting Longtime Interpretation Canada member Kevin Baron is a guest presenter for North Wind, and Tom and Kevin are both Certified Interpretive Guides and Trainers with the National Association for Interpretation. Their fun, engaging style can also be seen in Tom's  InterpreComics website, full of graphic training tools for interpreters.

Colleges and Universities:

Lakehead University (Ontario)  offers courses in interpretation and guiding a part of its Outdoor Recreation program.

Algonquin College (Ontario) offers an Outdoor Adventure Naturalist program that includes interpretation training.

Fanshawe College (Ontario) offers a program in Adventure Expeditions and Interpretive Leadership.

Organisation œuvrant en interprétation

The Interpretive Guides Association (IGA) offers a series of training courses and exams designed to certify individuals as interpretive hiking, walking, snowshoeing, paddling, and tour guides. The certification programs they offer meet guiding industry standards and are recognized and required for all guides working in the Mountain West of Canada. To ensure all guests are safe and well taken care of in all 4 seasons here in Canada, the IGA offers group management guide training programs as well.  The Interpretive Guides Association is based in Canmore, Alberta, offering courses throughout the Canadian Rockies as well as other regions of Canada and the Netherlands.

L'Association québécoise des interprètes du patrimoine (AQIP) s'est donnée pour mission de faire connaître le métier d'interprète du patrimoine au Québec. Les formations offertes par l'AQIP sont animées par des formateurs compétents et passionnés, issus de son réseau. Ses formations peuvent être organisées pour une institution ou un regroupement de plusieurs organismes. Les dates et lieux sont définis avec ses formateurs, en fonction de vos besoins.

Consultants et consultantes en interprétation

Don Enright offers interpretive skills training ranging from half-day sessions to multi-day programs. Subjects include experiential program development, facilitated dialogue techniques, and interpretive theatre programming. Don also facilitates distance learning in interpretive skills through online learning management systems, webinars, and teleconferences.

Cal Martin offers customized training packages and presentations through his interpretive consulting company, Frog in the Pocket. Cal is located near Ottawa, ON, and facilitates training throughout Canada‎ and beyond.

Jacquie Gilson, Doctor of Social Sciences, offers customized training in interpretive techniques that are visitor-oriented and inspiration-based, via face to face workshops or online webinars. Her specialties are participatory and dialogic interpretation, and fostering a Growth Mindset in staff. 

Sylvie Binette offers training in interpretive skills, facilitated dialogue and program development with a participatory approach. Sylvie can facilitate training of customized duration, in French or English, in person or on-line and at conferences. She is a Certified Interpretive Trainer and Interpretive Planner with the National Association for Interpretation.

Tom Long offers short, engaging on-line training sessions in research, program evaluation, and other subjects relevant to heritage interpretation. These are offered through his website, North Wind Heritage Consulting Longtime Interpretation Canada member Kevin Baron is a guest presenter for North Wind, and Tom and Kevin are both Certified Interpretive Guides and Trainers with the National Association for Interpretation. Their fun, engaging style can also be seen in Tom's InterpreComics website, full of graphic training tools for interpreters.

Collèges et universités

Lakehead University (Ontario)  offers courses in interpretation and guiding a part of its Outdoor Recreation program.

Algonquin College (Ontario) offers an Outdoor Adventure Naturalist program that includes interpretation training.

Fanshawe College (Ontario) offers a program in Adventure Expeditions and Interpretive Leadership.

Interpretation Canada c/o Kerry Wood Nature Centre 6300 45th Ave Red Deer, AB, Canada  T4N 3M4

Interprétation Canada  a/s du Kerry Wood Nature Centre, 6300 45e Avenue, Red Deer, Alberta T4N 3M4

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